Have you noticed we are dealing with a lot of issues in an increasingly apostate religious system? Are we in a Laodicean age? Meditate on Rev. 3:14-22. Nonetheless, there are human beings, created in the image of God, stuck in those systems that Father loves and is trying to reach. How? Be gracious. Be humble. Be bold. Speak the truth in love to give them a “fighting chance” to respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Who knows, maybe your words, as seed, will be sown into their hearts… producing a harvest of the “fruit of repentance” and transformation. Realistically, it will only be a few that will walk the kingdom road, “the narrow way.” Only a surrendered remnant. What road are you on?
“This is what the LORD says: Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths: ‘Where is the good way?’ Then walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls…” Jer. 6:16.
I’m learning, debate, fighting to be right, “one-ups-men-ship” gets us no where. In honesty, that whole “vib” is crucifying to me. In my opinion, a lot of the nonsense in Christendom is majoring on minors. I don’t want to squabble over inconsequential things. I don’t have time or energy to be distracted by it. We are in a war for the souls of men! Focus.
As I’ve gotten a little older I’ve noticed priorities have changed or gotten refined. Father has me on a laser beam trajectory: His eternal purpose is what matters. It would be prudent to know what it is and go “all in”…
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” Matt. 13:44-46.
Let us contend diligently for what in eternal. People wrangling with each other and forgetting the whole point of the kingdom and the king is grievous. What is our focus, friends? What are we looking at? Being sin conscious and a pharisee is dangerous, we need to keep Christ conscious and surrendered. Meditate on Heb. 10:1-10.
This journey is a tight rope walk at times, a tension between the ditch of legalism and libertine. Keeping our eyes on Yeshua is the power. I choose to walk circumspectly under the righteous hand of God, by His grace, on the road of the kingdom between the two ditches. As a messenger to the snared in Babylon, be free, repent, turn away from the road to Babylon, come out of the ditches that hinder you and get on the kingdom road. Press into the promise God has for you, only experienced in transformation. There’s a “deep crying unto deep,” the longing for fellowship with God and His family on that right road. The road that leads to life… eternally. The journey to wholeness, FULLNESS. The saints traveling together encouraging one another of their value, to be devoted to the supremacy of Christ, and building deep relationally–BEING ekklesia. Being the collective bride of Christ who has made herself ready, bearing the character of the Lamb by virtue of our communion with Him and His people.
We are becoming who we already are. Amen.